2018 Alumni Award Recipients
Alumni Awards celebrate distinguished alumni, faculty members and friends of UGA.
View past Alumni Award winners:
Alumni Merit | Family of the Year | Friend of UGA | Faculty Service | Young Alumni | SAC Member of the Year
Alumni Merit Award
Alumni Merit Award
The Alumni Merit Award is the Association’s oldest and highest honor. The award is presented to individuals who bring recognition and honor back to the University of Georgia through outstanding leadership and service to the University, the community, and his or her profession. The honoree, in deed or action, reflects and recognizes the importance of his or her education at the University, demonstrates pride in our alma mater, and shows a continued interest in UGA. Please consider the following when submitting nominations:
Faculty Service Award
The Faculty Service Award is presented to current or former faculty or staff who have demonstrated loyalty and service to the University of Georgia through outstanding leadership in higher education. Please consider the following when submitting nominations:
Young Alumni Award
The Young Alumni Award is presented to individuals who bring recognition and honor back to the University of Georgia through outstanding leadership and service to the University, the community, and his or her profession. The honoree, in deed or action, reflects and recognizes the importance of his or her education at the University, demonstrates pride in our alma mater, and shows a continued interest in UGA. The recipient must have attended UGA within the past 10 years. Please consider the following when submitting nominations:
Family of the Year Award
The Family of the Year Award is presented to a family who demonstrates a history of loyalty to UGA. They bring recognition and honor back to the University of Georgia through outstanding leadership and service to the University and the community at large. Please consider the following when submitting nominations:
Friend of the Year Award
The Friend of UGA Award is presented to any non-alumnus or organization who has devoted themselves to the greater good of the University of Georgia. Please consider the following when submitting nominations: