Young alumni offer advice to new graduates

This post was contributed by the UGA Alumni Association Young Alumni Leadership Council.

Finals? Check. Picture in cap and gown? Taken. Celebrations with family and friends? Definitely. Walking under the Arch for the first time? Finally It’s official: You are now a graduate of the University of Georgia – congratulations!

Now what?

Members of the UGA Young Alumni Leadership Council certainly know the feeling of “now what?” So, they’re sharing some advice from things that motivated, guided and helped them along the way. Good luck with wherever your journey takes you and remember–Once A Dawg, #AlwaysADawg!

“Go with your gut and do something you love…at least give it a try…it might work out! You are more likely to succeed doing something you enjoy.” -TJ Callaway (BBA ’07)

“When starting your career, whether you’re assigned a seemingly mundane task or a huge opportunity, do everything you can to knock it out of the park. Be the person that leaders can depend on and trust with both the little things and the big things, and seize every opportunity presented to you.” -Elizabeth Cox (BBA ’13)

As you embark on this new chapter in your life, be sure to cherish those memories that you have made but don’t be afraid to make new ones. The world has so much to offer and don’t worry about taking that extra leap into a new job, a new city, or a new career! You have acquired the necessary skills during your time at UGA so take that leap of faith!” -Sumita Dalmia (BSFCS ’10)

“If you need help ask for it. It always surprises me how many people have questions, or need help with something, but they are afraid to ask. There are lots of people out there that want to help you! Remember to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. So help others whenever you can.

Say yes–be willing to say yes to new and sometimes seemingly scary opportunities because you never know where it will lead.

Manage your online reputation carefully. Post your successes, highlight your expertise, etc., but remember everything you post ‘sticks to you like a tattoo.’

Continue educating yourself (formally and informally) because learning never stops.

Work smart and ALWAYS be kind.

Dawg nation is behind you. I can’t tell you how many times I have gotten an opportunity because I’m a Georgia Bulldog.” -Yvette Dupree (BBA ’03, MAT ’07, PHD ’12)

“Although you are graduating college, your education is just now beginning. Treat each work day as an opportunity to learn from those around you. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Work harder than anyone else. And above all, never compromise your values or integrity.” -Derek Hammock (BBA ’15, MACC ’16)

“No task is beneath you. Demonstrate you can handle the small stuff and you will find yourself in charge of much more.” -Travis Johnson (AB ’11)

Lewis Howes once said, “Effective networking isn’t a result of luck – it requires hard work and persistence.” -Courtney McCants (BBA ’10)

“Be a joy for others to work with.” -Caleb Nicholson (BSED ’09)

“Never underestimate the power of your network. Start building it now and keep in touch with your friends, classmates and professors from UGA. You never know when your paths will cross again, or how you can help each other out down the road.” -Elizabeth Powell (BS ’06, ABJ ’06)

“Seek out opportunities and apply! You may not have every qualification listed in a job posting, but you may be a great fit for the position. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. UGA prepared you for great things!” -Anna Reddish (BSA ’08 MADS ’09)