Hello alumni family,

It has been an absolute privilege and honor to serve as Black Alumni Leadership Council president for the past year. As my term comes to an end, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude, pride and appreciation for the opportunity to have led and connected with such an inspiring community of alumni and students.

I am particularly proud of the strides we made in fostering mentorship and networking opportunities for our students. We supported hundreds of students this past year through initiatives including the Georgia African American Male Experience (G.A.A.M.E.) Mentoring Dinner, Women in The Workplace Mentorship Dinner hosted by the UGA Mentor Program, a handful of admitted student receptions in collaboration with the Office of Admissions, the Give That Dawg a Bone card writing campaign, Black Affairs Council Mixer and the Graduate and Professional Students (GAPS) Mary Frances Early dinner. We also welcomed three new scholarship recipients and nurtured relationships with them throughout the year to ensure they felt supported in their first year on campus.

And I can’t forget about Homecoming! It has been such a joy to see that rich tradition continue in order to reach more alumni and improve year after year. It never gets old to see the immense pride we exude as we take over Myers Quad. I cannot wait to see the new heights that event will reach in the years to come.

Lastly, I am grateful to have connected with so many of you, hearing about your UGA experience, the amazing things you’ve been up to since graduation, your individual connections to the university and how much being a Bulldog means to you. The strength of the Bulldog family is undeniable — a testament that we Never Bark Alone.

I am excited to pass the torch to Rodd whose vision and leadership will propel the Black Alumni Leadership Council mission and impact even further. I am thankful to have served alongside him and look forward to supporting him and the council in the upcoming year.

Go Dawgs!

Shayla Hill (BBA ’08)

Immediate Past President, Black Alumni Leadership Council